Thursday Jun 22 - 2023, 13:51

Fragments, Usernames, TON DNS

TON Blockchain
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Have you ever wanted a Telegram username that was already taken?
Don’t worry, if you truly want it, there’s a chance to acquire it through an auction.

It was the third quarter of 2022 that a piece of catchy news went viral.
It went by the name of Fragments, Usernames, and Domains.

let’s move on to the topic.  

An innovative and creative movement:

For the first time in the history of social media, people have full ownership of their usernames. Long-time Telegram users who have been using short usernames they registered for early on, can now benefit from the platform’s growth by selling their usernames in a transparent, fully decentralized auctions.

You can access usernames and they are also among collectibles. Each collectible name can be accessed with its
@username on Telegram, or outside Telegram using links
such as:

If you happen to possess a short and easily recognizable username on Telegram, you now have the option to sell or purchase it for your personal account, public group, or channel. This opportunity is facilitated through the live auction platform called Fragment.

What is Fragment?

Fragment introduces a marketplace, a hub, for decentralized usernames on the TON (The Open Network) blockchain, allowing users to participate in auctions, and offers a decentralized domain name service, providing enhanced privacy and security for both users and website owners.

By participating in the username auction, you will receive Toncoin as the native currency of TON blockchain, in exchange for your desired username. Toncoin can later be converted to your local currency through various exchange platforms. As the auction operates on a bidding system, the individual with the highest bid will secure the rights to the username.

To sell/buy your Telegram username, you must fulfill specific criteria. This involves being an established user with a registered short username and possessing a secure wallet on the TON app to store your funds. you will need to ensure that your wallet is funded so that you can place bids as required.
(For more info about Wallets check our article on it.)

Let’s have a review:

  • First, you have to check this page for getting access to Fragments
  • then you will be linked to the main page
  • On top you can see 3 topics of
    • Usernames(which is already shown on the main page when you enter)
    • Numbers
    • Telegram Premium
  • You can choose them to be on auction, sold, for sale
  • You can choose the price
  • Minimum Bid: The lowest price that the seller choose to sell its product
  • Next to it we have the auction timeline that shows how much is left.
  • ON top, you can connect your telegram account and wallet.

After this page we will discuss on this page:

Whether you connect your wallet or not, you can open this and view this info,
On top you can see

  • Highest Bid: The highest price and amount that a person is willing to pay on auction for this
  • Minimum Bid: The lowest price that the seller choose to sell its product
  • Step Bid: When the price wants to get increased it has to go by the step of bid-step, here means, the next price after minimum bid has to be higher than the last highest bid. here is 5% = 26TON which is their increment and difference
  • On right side, you can see Telegram username
  • In the middle of the page you can enter your offered bid and place it.
  • You can see, the end date of it.
  • In Bid history you can see Price, date, and from

What are TON Domains(TON DNS)?

TON DNS is a service that allows users to assign a human-readable name to crypto wallets, smart contracts, and websites. With TON DNS, access to decentralized services is analogous to access to websites on the internet.

TON Blockchain

The Power of TON DNS:

Telegram has covered TON DNS to escape the limitations of centralized domain registries. With TON DNS, users can assign easy-to-understand names to their crypto wallets, smart contracts, and websites. This decentralized technology simplifies online interactions and allows users to establish their presence on The Open Network using their preferred domain name as their nickname.

.ton Domain Names as NFTs: Your identity on a decentralized network

You now have the ability to register a domain name on the TON blockchain and link it to your crypto wallet. This chosen domain name will serve as your identity on The Open Network. You can enter the domain name instead of the recipient’s wallet address when sending TON.

Within TON DNS, domain names are represented as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain. These unique digital assets, denoted by the ” .ton” domain zone, can be stored, gifted, or sold, just like any other NFT. Domain names are securely stored in users’ wallets, allowing for seamless integration with existing NFT marketplaces such as Getgems and Disintar, which already support TON DNS. This integration enhances the liquidity and value of TON domain names in the digital world.
(for more info about NFT check this article.)

Lets move on to TON Domains page

On top you can connect your wallet and in Enter a domain, this is just as simply as TonScan.

You just need to enter the domain name and you can see the info.

  • On top you can enter the domain name, and connect your wallet.
  • Also theres an auction duration which shows the time left to the end of the auction.

Rules and Ownership:

When registering a domain name on TON DNS, certain rules and guidelines apply. A domain name must consist of at least 4 characters and no more than 126 characters, adhering to English letters, digits, and hyphens. While emoji representation is technically possible, it is currently unavailable due to the potential for confusion and misuse. Failure to renew the domain will result in it being put up for auction, ensuring active ownership and preventing domains from being lost.

Decentralization and Governance:

TON DNS operates as a decentralized domain name system, devoid of a central administrator with the authority to block domain names. In exceptional cases, ownership changes or domain deletions can be facilitated through network-wide voting. However, such decisions require strong justifications and must gain the consensus of the network’s independent validators. This decentralized governance model ensures transparency, fairness, and the preservation of the decentralized nature of the TON ecosystem.

The Auction Process:

  • Domain auctions on TON DNS span a week, with the possibility of shorter durations in the future for increased user convenience.
  • During the auction, users can place bids in Toncoin to secure their desired domain name.
  • In the final hour of the auction, any bid placed triggers a one-hour extension, enabling counterbids.
  • Each subsequent bid must be at least 5% higher than the previous bid.
  • Once the auction concludes, the user with the highest bid claims the domain name.

Claiming and Assigning Wallets to TON Domains:

Upon winning an auction for a TON domain, users need to follow a simple process to claim and assign their domain to a wallet. By ensuring successful completion of the auction, users can proceed to assign their domain name to their crypto wallet, further establishing their digital identity on the TON blockchain.

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